Release 2.0.0

Released: 2021-02-25

Celiagg 2.0.0 is a major release which makes a few breaking API changes. Due to bugs related to the font caching changes introduced in 1.1.1, a new FontCache class has been added which exposes the storage of the cache explicitly. Relatedly, the Font class has become much simpler. It is only a description for a font now and has no opinion about how that font is cached. This is the main API breaking change. The FontCacheType enumeration has been removed and the Font.width` method has moved to the new ``FontCache class. One other change to Font behavior is that raster font rendering now uses the fill paint which is passed to Canvas.draw_text. Previously the stroke paint was used.

A Canvas.draw_shape_at_points method was added to the canvas class. This has a slightly different result than using a ShapeAtPoints VertexSource. Namely Canvas.draw_shape_at_points will fill and stroke each shape separately, whereas ShapeAtPoints would fill all shape instances and then stroke all shape instances. Use ShapeAtPoints if you’re only stroking or only filling the shape, because it’s the faster option. Canvas.draw_shape_at_points is slightly slower but gives more correct output.


  • Add a draw_shape_at_points method to the canvas (#79)


  • Rework text rendering (#76)

  • Make the font cache a separate object [introduces FontCache] (#74)


  • Update docs for 2.0.0 release (#80)

  • Move the included font into the main package and update docs (#77)

Cleanup and other maintenance

  • Update version and copyright dates (#78)

Release 1.1.1

Released: 2021-02-20


  • Add face_index support to Font (#70)


  • Do stroke transformation as late as possible (#67)

  • Speed up text rendering (#65)

  • Use nearest neighbor image interpolation (#61)

Cleanup and other maintenance

  • Clean up old CI bits (#69)

  • Switch to GitHub Actions for CI (#68)

  • Move CI testing to Pythons 3.6, 3.7 (#66)

  • Use stdlib unittest instead of pytest (#64)